Emigrants from Bermel (today Kreis Mayen - Koblenz)
genealogical datas
more information
Berenz Peter oo Margarethe Storz
* about 1795
arrived by “John Merrick” on 18.06.1852 via London
Brachtendorf Nikolaus oo Wirz Maria Gertrud and their children
Bermel - Kaiserseschoo 02.03.1824
arrived in NY on 12.08.1846 on the ship MONT VERNON
Saar Anton oo Anna Maria Bonsand their children Adam, Anna MariaJosephMargaretheMaria AnnaMatthiasPeter
oo about 1836* 27.04.1846* 08.06.1839* 13.09.1850* 19.12.1840* 25.08.1842* 14.07.1848* 19.03.1844
Gilgenbach Peter oo Gertrud Michelsand their sons Stephan
oo 1872
arrived by ship “Donau” on 27.04.1874
Schäfer Matthias oo Anna GilgenbachSchäfer JohannSchäfer Maria CatharinaSchäfer MatthiasSchäfer MichaelSchäfer PeterSchäfer Stephan
oo about 1845