genealogical datas
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Adams Matthias
and his siblings Heinrich, Peter and Gertrud
* 11.05.1831
emigrated in 1852, settled in Beetown, WI
Burgard Philipp from Allscheid oo Münch Katharina from Brohl
Allscheid / Brohl
oo 23.02.1843
emigrated in 1852 with all village people from Allscheid
Frank Anton and his sister Catharina Frank
* 05.08.1825 * 25.03.1820
by ship “Saxonia “ , arrived in NY on 21.05.1868
Frank Johann oo Schneider Maria Elisabeth and their children Peter, Johann Adam, Anton, Johann
oo 26.04.1831
settled in Stark County, OH
Faber Matthias oo Roeser Anna Maria and their children Nikolaus, Katharina and Margarethe
oo 06.11.1835
emigrated in 1848
Frank Johann Peter
* 13.06.1823
arrived in NY on board the ship “Plato” on 16.08.1843, settled in Ohio
Fuhrmann Nikolaus oo Valerius Maria Margarethe and their children
Dünfus / Müllenbach
oo 26.08.1843
Fuhrmann Peter oo Sesterhenn Margarethe and their children Anna Maria, Nikolaus, Maria, Anna Margarethe
oo 02.07.1824
by ship “Plato” arrived on 16.08.1843
Gärtner Mathilde
* about 1909k
emigrated by ship GEORGE WASHINGTON , arriving on 09.02.1939 and could so escape the holocaust. Married to Julius rosenthal on 25.08.1945 in New York
Gilles Johann oo Naeckel Anna Maria
Mertloch / Brohl
oo 11.10.1839
settled in Mt. Calvary, WI
Hammes Johann Jakob oo Klinkner Anna Margarethe (daughter of Nikolaus Klinkner and Margaretha Castor - see below)
oo 21.07.1841
by ship “Plato” in 1843
Henrichs Martin oo Castor Anna Maria and their sons Johann and Matthias
oo 19.04.1830
emigrated on 10.06.1843 by ship AGNES via Antwerp to New Orleans, settled in Illinois
Herzig Heinrich oo Catharina Doller and their children Peter, Gertrud, Johann Peter and Anton
oo 11.05.1832
by ship “Plato” in 1843
Jung Johann Adam Jung Johann
* 29.12.1838 * 12.12.1840
arrived in NY by ship “Deutschland” on June 14, 1865, settled in Syracuse, NY, and returned back to Germany
Jung Nicolaus
* 10.02.1837
arrived in NY on 27.05.1882 by ship “Pennland”
Klinkner Nikolaus oo Castor Margaretha and their children Peter, Catharina, Maria Catharina, Catharina, Anna Maria, Maria
oo 06.02.1817
arrived in NY on 19.10.1841 on board the ship “H. Ring”,
Knobloch Heinrich Knobloch Johann Peter
* 20.12.1814 * 31.01.1833
two brothers, emigrated in 1854
Lies Johann Philipp oo Schaub Gertrud
Moselkern Brohl
* 25.11.1798 23.09.1795
arrived in NY on 20.07.1846 on board the ship “Adams”
Marx Samuel Kaufmann Leopold Kaufmann Salomon
all single, emigrated in 1854
Madenach Matthias oo Marting Anna Maria
Cochem / Binningen
oo 06.02.1866
arrived on 10.11.1869 by ship “Holsatia” and settled in North Amerst, Lorein Cty, OH
Mais Johann Joseph
* 11.07.1849
arrived in New York on board the vessel “Castor” on August 9, 1881,
died in 1929
Meurer Anton oo Sesterhenn Eva and their children Anna Maria, Margarethe, Anna Katharina, Elisabeth Maria oo Scherkenbach
oo 29.09.1808
arrived in 1846 by ship “Clinton” and settled in Greenfield, WI
Mohr Christian oo Anna Maria Sesterhenn and their children Jacob, Gertrud, Matthias, Catharina and Anna
Gering / Brohl
oo 25.01.1840
arrived on 26.06. 1854 by ship “New York” , settled in OH and later in MI
Müller Jakob oo Maria Haubrich and their children Katharina, Gertrud, Matthias, Nicolaus, Peter
oo 25.04.1826
arrived in NY by ship Colchis on 30.08.1845
Münch Philipp
* 22.02.1850
Noll Sebastian Noll Peter
* 18.05.1801 * 04.11.1838
by ship Laura on 28.08.1867
Pauly Paul oo Schmitt Anna Margarethe and their children Katharina, Peter Anton, Maria Gertrud, Susanna Maria
Gering / Brohl
oo 31.05.1839
emigrated to North Ridgeville, Lorain Cty, OH
Reichert Johann oo Ungers Elisabeth and their children Gertrud, Margarethe, Peter, Elisabeth, Maria Catharina
oo 04.02.1874
by ship BELGENLAND from Antwerpen, arriving in NY on 18.06.1885
Röhl Lorenz oo Maria Mertes and their son Anton
oo 18.11.1879
by ship Donau on 01.03.1886
Rösler Anton Rösler Gertrud Rösler Johann Jakob Rösler Katharina Ring Johann
* 01.12.1825 * 12.10.1823 * 21.01.1829 * 07.12.1831 * 02.04.1815
Gertrud Rösler and her stepbrother Johann Ring arrived by ship “Adams” on 20.07.1846
Gertrud got married in Milwaukee, WI, to Peter
Emmerich from Müden on 16.08.1846. Peter Emmerich * 04.08.1815 in Müden
Scherkenbach Peter Franz Karl oo Maria Meurer and their children Johann Josef, Margarethe, Gertrud, Maria Anna, Johann, Heinrich
oo 06.03.1834
arrived in N.Y. on board the ship “Clinton” on 28.08.1846, settled in Greenfield, WI
Schink Gertrud
* 09.12.1826
Schmitt Peter oo Anheier Gertrud
oo 04.10.1866
emigrated in 1867
Anna Maria Schneider, nee Einig
* 03.05.1809
by ship “Saxonia “ , arrived in NY on 21.05.1868
Schneider Peter oo Wilhelmi Barbara from Hambuch
* 31.07.1853 * 27.06.1858
emigrated in March 1883, married in Wisconsin and settled in Greenbay
Schneider Peter oo Emmerich Anna Barbara and their children Andreas, Margaethe, Maria Gertrud, Johann, Catharina, Peter
oo 04.05.1832
Schneider Peter oo Ulmen Maria Anna and their children Johann Josef and Catharina
Brohl / Müllenbach
oo 22.09.1835
emigrated on 26.07.1843 and arrived on board the brig PRESIDENT
Schweitzer Johann Jakob oo Margarethe Ackermann and their children Anton, Nicolaus, Catharina, Margaretha, Anna
oo 08.01.1830
arrived on board “Colchis” on 1845
Seibel Matthias oo Sesterhenn Maria Catharina
oo 26.11.1859
emigrated in 1867 and settled in New Barbadoes, New Jersey
Simon Nikolaus oo Müller Margarethe and their children Elisabeth, Maria Anna, Anna Maria, Johann, Margarethe
Mertloch / Brohl
oo 07.02.1834
by ship “Plato” on 16.08.1843
Stein Nikolaus oo Elisabeth Poehr and their children Philipp and Luzia
arrived in NY on 14.05.1891 by ship “Noordland”
Poehr Johann Joseph and Wolf Elisabeth and Peter Poehr
arrived in NY on 14.05.1891 by ship “Noordland” , settled in Duluth, Minnesota
Wätzler Margarethe
* 04.10.1854
by ship “Saxonia “ , arrived in NY on 21.05.1868
Weber Johann Anton oo Castor Anna Margarethe and their children Margarethe, Anna Maria, Johann, Luise
oo 12.08.1825
by ship “Plato” on 16.08.1843, settled in Cleveland
Weis Anton
* 03.06.1852
Wilhelmi Johann Adam
* 29.04.1845
emigrated in 1867
Wilhelmi Johann Peter oo Maria Katharina Braunschaedel and their children Johann and Gertrud
Brohl and Landkern
oo 08.04.1884
emigrated in spring 1889
Wolf Anna Maria
* 31.08.1847
emigrated on 26.05.1867
Wolf Elias
* 18.02.1839
emigrated in 1867
Wolf Maximilian
by ss “Lahn” on 27.8.1891 to NY
Wolf Moritz
arrived in New York on 25.08.1902 b y ss ZEELAND, settled in Pittsburgh, PA