Emigrants from Dohr and Faid
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Düntzen Maria
* 12.12.1867
arrived by ship “Fulda” on 21.11.1890
Düntzen Peter
* 13.03.1846
arrived by ship SELICA on 25.07.1872
Hammes Peter oo Henrichs Theresia andtheir children Oster and Catharina
oo 17.01.1878
arrived by ship “Fulda” on 21.11.1890 and settled in Custar, OH
Kiefer Friedrich oo Irmen Catharina and their children Anna Catharina, Catharina, Friedrich Wilhelm
Dohr / Alflen
oo 24.07.1879
by ss “Gera” on 27.05.1891
Mund Anna Catharina
* 28.02.1874
Mund Peter Joseph oo Lescher Margarethe
oo 1888
Mund Nikolaus
* 16.11.1866
Mund Jacob oo Schuwerack Gertrud and their son Johann
oo 05.09.1865
by ship “City of Cork” on 13.01.1868 via Antwerp to NY
Mund Johann oo Hammes Maria and their children
oo 10.02.1850
Mund Anna Catharina nee Meiner
* about 1802
Polch Franz from Faid oo toAnna Gertrud Thönnes from Ulmenwith 2 children
oo 20.02.1844
emigrated in 1854
Schmidt FranzSchneiders Andreas
* 08.11.1869* 05.07.1868
by ship “Bremen on 14.07.1881
Schmitz Gertrud
* 24.05.1878
Thielen Peter
* 23.01.1874
arrived by ship “Fulda” on21.11.1890
Wierschem Anton oo Schäfer Margarethe
oo 1845